The first of my Ex-Boyfriend Cafe poems to be published is in bath magg. Read “At the Ex-Boyfriend Cafe, Your Mom.”



I got to talk to some brilliant people on the Poetry Magazine Podcast! Here’s an episode with Su Cho (anger, mayo, tears!), one with Tishani Doshi (ecofeminism, speedos, rebuking your editor!), and one with colleagues Stefania Gomez and Maggie Queeney (Buffy the Vampire Slayer, resting, dreaming as defiance!).


Academy of American Poets: “We have no choice in the bodies that hold us

Ampersand Review: “I see the x-ray of the rescue with 50 BBs in him”; “The sky got caught in my hair, if only theoretically”; “There’s a difference between eating and feeding”; “About the west and the wetness in my hair”

Another Chicago Magazine: “On the filthy side of things”; “Getting burned and going alight” (issue 54)

Bateau: “Find a broken phone and lick the receiver”; “Nightlight”; “Teeth Leave a Body This Way”; “Tuning Forks”

Bennington Review: “It’s Called a Boarding Hat“; “Pass It On”

Bodega: “Luminescence in contrast”; “specific motion”

Forklift, Ohio: “Flocking”

ILK: “I tell dolly

jubilat: “How Crushed We Were on the Way to Comraderie

La Vague Journal: “What’s dark is not always lightless”; “Dissolution with raccoons

LEVELER: “I say erstwhile

Matter: “The weekend was suburban & full of efforts to tie down radical hair”; “Undressing, with water”; “If my mouth weren’t so full of hammers

Pinwheel: “Today is an argument against clouds”; “This is a flood and we are turbulent with color”; and “We are all writing poems about you and your deep, wobbly voice

Prairie Schooner: “My feet in continual guidance of air” (2015 winter, 89:4)

Typo: “I am deep in tear right now


Interview with Midwestern Gothic: “Empathy is something we practice—it’s not something we have. And the more we practice it the easier it is. Which can be uncomfortable, just like running, or yoga, but it’s worthy of the discomfort. And eventually we find ways to cope with the discomfort, ways to get beyond it while not foregoing the practice.”

holly amos cover 2

Interview with Albert Abonado on Flour City Yawp: “We discuss her veganism, poetry and activism, the body and relationships. Plus, Holly shares some of her beautiful poems with us.”

American Microreviews & Interviews, review by Davy Knittle: “There’s something gorgeous in these poems about finding the right balance of decisions, of pushing your body to a limit that makes it something new, that expands the range of what there is to feel.”

NewCity Lit, “Prisms of Form” review by Jael Montellano: “Amos designs her poems as glittering cascades in form and image.”

Interview by Julie Maclean for her blog, about working at Poetry.